Our everyday life makes it difficult to integrate a monthly Zen-Sesshin (days of intense Zen practice), like Zen-monks do. Meditative phases in Christian monasteries face the same difficulty in the average person’s life. However difficult, continuity is essential to let go into the practice and include our insights into everyday life. That is why Benediktushof offers a shared meditation outside of intense Zen-Sesshin. You can participate on these offers without registering or paying anything.

Daily Online Meditation

Benediktushof invites you to start and close the day in silence.  

Our Zen and Contemplation Teachers host twice a day a livestream for everyone to come together and meditate.

  • 6:15 am – 6:45 am in the morning
  • 9 pm – 9:30 pm in the evening

We meet on Zoom. To join sign up with your email below.

Datenschutzerklärung: Ich bin einverstanden, dass meine Daten elektronisch gespeichert werden. Ich weiß, dass meine Daten nicht an Dritte weitergegeben werden dürfen und ich mich jederzeit vom Newsletter abmelden kann.  

This room is open to anyone who wishes to join, whether practitioners of Contemplation or Zen. The meditation usually starts with the ring of a gong and ends with a short text from the Christian or Zen tradition. In the evening a night saying closes the meditation.

Meditation Netiquette:

  • Be a little early: In order to keep silence during a session, please join the meeting five minutes before their scheduled start and do not leave the room before we are finished.
  • Be quiet: Join the room quietly and turn off your microphone and take a comfortable seat. Keep this position during the session.
  • Be Connected: Should your screen be a source of distraction feel free to dim it. You could also sit facing away from the screen. If possible, we ask you to keep the video going in order to feel connected as a group.
  • Please be aware that we do not have the capabilities to help you with personal problems with technology.

We are looking forward to see you online.

Our Montly Saturday Series:

Zen and Contemplation

Once a month we offer an open meditation group. Guided each time by a different zen or contemplation teacher we spend the morning together in silence. Afterwards lunch and drinks will be served for a small get together. Our offer is free. A donation to our foundation  – West-Östliche Weistheit -Willigis Jäger Stiftung – is appreciated. If interested get in contact with our reception office to register.


When and where?

Zen and contemplation Saturdays take place in room 601 from 9:30 am – 12 pm.

Please be present 10-20 minutes before the scheduled beginning (take note of any possible room changes that will be announced through posted notes).  Please wait outside if the door is closed and wait in line after the door has been opened for the walking meditation. Wear dark clothes, that do not have any patterns on them and are comfortable to you. This way you won’t distract other participants. Meditation cushions are supplied.

Find the dates here.


At Benediktushof the different paths of spiritual practice are taught – with a focus on the Eastern Zen path and Western contemplation. At the center of all paths is sitting in silence, through which we bring our mind to rest. This calm mind changes us and our being towards more mindfulness and serenity and has a positive effect on everyday life. Studies have shown that regular meditation not only trains attention and concentration in the long term, but also demonstrably reduces stress reactions, anxiety, and tiredness. It has also been researched that meditators can better regulate negative emotions such as anger and resentment and that the immune system is strengthened through meditation.

In our everyday life it is hardly possible to meditate for several days every month. However, the regular, intensive meditation times offered by a monastery are useful for practice. Continuity is essential in order to get into the depths and maintain the practice in everyday life.


Zen or contemplation Saturdays are a possibility as a bridging of intensive practice and is suitable for the time between days of intensive practice. It cannot replace this time because important elements such as one-on-one conversation, silence and a longer duration of practice (at least one day) are missing.

Depending on the teacher, the sitting time can be between 20 and 35 minutes. In between we practice walking meditation. There are no one-on-one conversations or longer lectures. A short introduction is possible.

The meditation offer is open to all people – whether they feel part of a religion or not, everyone is welcome.
The meditation on Saturday is free of charge. We are of course happy about a donation to aid projects such as the Nepal children’s school project  or to projects of the West-Östliche Weisheit – Willigis Jäger Stiftung.

„If you want to know the secret, here it is: All things are in the heart.“
