Willigis Jäger (1925-2020)
Willigis has passed away
Dear friends,
Our spiritual leader, Willigis Jäger, passed away peacefully at the age of 95 on March 20, 2020.
He was buried at the Münsterschwarzach Abbey cemetery in accordance with his final wishes. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the funeral was held privately, but a commemorative video and requiem is available.
Alexander Poraj spoke words of farewell for everyone that is grieving over Willigis in a video-obituary (in german). Since personal goodbyes were not possible due to current events, we installed a book of condolences that is available online.
To honor Willigis‘ legacy and give him a place of remembrance, Gisela Drescher created a stele in the inner courtyard of Benediktushof, that will always remind us of him and his work.

Farewell to Willigis
His Legacy
Willigis Jäger embodied a non-denominational contemporary spirituality that aims to provide answers to the pressing questions of people in the 21st century. As a Zen master and contemplation teacher, he was influenced by both Christian mysticism and Eastern Zen, going beyond both religions to what underlies all spiritual paths of the West and East.
His understanding of the Western-Eastern wisdom was based on the philosophia perennis, which finds its current expression in integrative thinking and action. Part of this vision involves incorporating modern natural sciences and economic-political-social action in which our exercise is manifested in everyday life.
His vision of a global and interfaith spirituality was expressed in numerous books and audio/video publications. Willigis Jäger was the founder of the Benediktushof and was confirmed as a Zen (Chinese Chan) master by both Japanese and Chinese Zen lines. In 2009, he founded the Zen lineage „Empty Cloud“ and in 2010, the contemplation lineage „Cloud of Unknowing.“
He was a co-founder of the foundation „West-Östliche Weisheit – Willigis Jäger Foundation,“ which aims to explore, develop and promote contemporary spirituality. In 2016 he gave up active teaching and lecturing.
On March 20, 2020, shortly after his 95th birthday, he peacefully passed away. As he wished, he was buried in the monastery cemetery of Münsterschwarzach Abbey, where he remained a member until the end of his life, and was lovingly accompanied and cared for by those close to him until the end.