What is Zen? What is Contemplation?
is a spiritual path which reached the West through China and Japan. Its spiritual roots lie in Buddhism, but is in itself not bound to one religion. Its core practice is to meditate in silence in order to exercise the art of letting go and to realize our true being.
The exercise of Zen encompass Zazen (sitting meditation), Kinhin (walking meditation), Dokusan (personal talks with a teacher), Teishos (lectures), and working with Koans. An intense period of exercises is called a Sesshin or Rohatsu.
For many centuries Christian mystics – such as Master Eckhart and Terese von Avila – practiced meditation in the west. The contemplative practice is a well-known, though a hidden stream of early Christianity.
Its main concern is to reach the divine through experience and not blunt faith. Its core, similar to Zen, lies in experiencing the present moment. Further elements of this practice are mindful walking, individual talks with teachers, and singing.
„Those who can open themselves to silence feel a shift. Silence changes us, it unites and heals.“
Willigis Jäger