Here you find a collection of technical terms and concepts from zen, contemplation, mindfulnes as well as psychology and religious studies that stem from the traditions that are practiced at the Benediktushof.
We have compiled this collection to the best of our knowledge and belief. Every dictionary is a living web of concepts and therefore nevere complete. Therefore we welcome any suggestions for additions and improvements by e-mail.
The Greek word Enneagram means “nine signs”. The Enneagram is a symbol with nine points, that stand for nine basic qualities of the personality structure – in short: for nine different types. It does not represent a religious system, but is understood as a tool for self-exploration and personality development.Esoterism
The word “esoteric” is of Greek origin and means “inward,” “concerning the inner;” its counter-term is “exoteric,” “concerning the outer”. In the context of religious studies, “esoteric” means the mystical inner dimension of a religion and “exoteric” its respective outer form. Esoterically, all religions are about ways into the experience of the reason for being, but in their respective forms religions are culturally and temporally determined and differ (in its respective rites and cults). In the common sense, the term “esotericism” is often used very vaguely to describe everything that has to do with “secret knowledge” – from tarot to angel work to magic. In other contexts, “esoterism” also appears almost synonymous with “spirituality”; however, the two are not identical; see Spirituality.Essence Coaching
“Essence” comes from the Latin “esse”, “being” – essence is thus the essential of a being or the being. Essence Coaching is a companion on the way to the essence. It is based on the assumption that every human being is endowed with individual qualities, but these are often blocked by experiences, evaluations, education, etc.; at the same time, the individual essence is not separate from the essence of the whole universe and obeys the same laws.