Here you find a collection of technical terms and concepts from zen, contemplation, mindfulnes as well as psychology and religious studies that stem from the traditions that are practiced at the Benediktushof.
We have compiled this collection to the best of our knowledge and belief. Every dictionary is a living web of concepts and therefore nevere complete. Therefore we welcome any suggestions for additions and improvements by e-mail.
Family/System Constellations
A System Constellation is a psychological group procedure in which people represent certain aspects of a system. They are set up in space and thereby enter into a relationship with each other. This makes it possible to recognize and clear hidden connections, dependencies and mutual influences. Family constellations are a form of system constellation. In a family constellation, persons take the place of family members of the client (from the client’s family of origin or current family), which the client constellates according to their, often unconscious, assessments.Focusing
Focusing is an alternative method of problem analysis (developed by the American psychotherapist Eugene T. Gendlin). It is based on the assumption that the actual work of a therapy is done by the client them-self. By learning how to observe their own (physical and emotional) reactions to a problem, they can become more effective as their own therapists. This scientifically based learning process can be initiated and supported by a Focusing Guide. The practice consists of the observation of the body perceptions from an inner free space. By creating a “good place” that allows more objective observations, the practitioner reaches a new level from which life with all its sensory impressions can be perceived. In this “good place” alternative solutions to problems can be found.