Here you find a collection of technical terms and concepts from zen, contemplation, mindfulnes as well as psychology and religious studies that stem from the traditions that are practiced at the Benediktushof.
We have compiled this collection to the best of our knowledge and belief. Every dictionary is a living web of concepts and therefore nevere complete. Therefore we welcome any suggestions for additions and improvements by e-mail.
Yoga (Sanskrit, “yoke”, “joining together”) is an Indian teaching that includes physical and spiritual exercises and can be described as physical meditation. Yoga exists in different forms, each with its own philosophy and practice, more related to the body or spiritual background, with exercises of varying degrees of difficulty. The goal is the great “connection” (see the meaning of the word Yoga!) of body and mind, of individual and cosmos, unity experience, awakening, deep aliveness.Yoga Samyama
Samyama means collection or bundling, meaning the bundling of consciousness. Yoga Samyama is a spiritual path that integrates body, breath, mind and instructions for everyday life. Components are body and mindfulness exercises, chanting, recitation, silence, walking meditation, Darshan.